Psychology nerd on a writing journey sharing my inner thoughts, experience as an educator and mom.
Sharing ways caregivers can support their child while helping kids learn more about emotional regulation by tapping into their senses to develop new ways to identify feelings.
Helping kids learn another way to name their feeling and grown their emotional regulation by tapping into sounds.
While the seeds in the rocky mountain don’t get a choice on what they become, they just have to be resilient enough to break through the rock. We have the opportunity to make the choice on what we become when we break through the hard times in our lives.
Here’s what we know: The Polyvagal Theory was introduced in 1994 by Dr. Stephen Porges. The Polyvagal Theory is based in neuroscience and gives us a better idea on how and why the brain, specifically the vagus nerve, reacts through emotion, fear response, and a sense of safety.
It's like that in life too, if you don't set big lofty goals you'll never achieve more than you thought possible. Always aim for the highest possible goal and if you don't succeed look at how far you've come and be proud. If you believe you can do it, you can!